A Reception hosted by the Congress of Business and Economics and the Minara Chambers of Commerce at the Wanders Club, Johannesburg, on the 23rd April 2014: an amount of R 250,000.00 has been pledged by WMO [Africa Chapter] towards the Children’s Hospital.
By contributing this amount we have been granted the naming rights to the reception area, on the ground floor of the hospital.
Below: photo of Moosa Carrim (Treasurer), Prof Hoosein (Jerry) Coovidia (On behalf of KZN hospital) and Trustees of WMO: Mr S.H. Mia and Mr Feizul Ayob, at the presentation.
On behalf of all of us at WMO we would like to thank all our donors for their generous contributions
Please visit: www.kznchildrenshospital.org.za for more information on the hospital.