Ramadhaan Projects 2016 – Brazzaville

Alhumdulillah, we were fortunate to be involved in two feeding schemes facilitated on a daily basis through the partnership of WMO [Africa Chapter] and Purposeful Giving [APEX Body of WMO].

Brazzaville Masjied—Atteredgeville—Pretoria: this institution is managed by Sheikh Omar and is a fairly new masjied, which was completed approximately 2 months ago. One hundred Iftaar packs consisting of two meals, a drink, biscuits, fruits and dates were distributed on a daily basis.

Jacob Mare Street Masjied—Pretoria Central: this institution is taken care of by Brother Bilal. The same pack as mentioned above was provided to the recipients at this masjied.

WMO & Purposeful Giving   members together with a group of volunteers visited the Brazzaville Complex on Sunday—26th June 2016 and handed out the following items: Decorated and personalized shoeboxes consisting of     toiletries, stationery, a vest, a pair of socks and a gift for each child. A WMO branded backpack filled with a beanie, a jacket, a jersey and a t-shirt. A party-pack filled with sweets and treats for the   children. And a Chicken Licken meal for the adults and the children.


Gift Bags   IMG-20160626-WA0034   IMG-20160626-WA0032   IMG-20160626-WA0033



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