Feeding Scheme during the month of Ramadhaan 2015

Feeding Scheme Project under the banner of WMO co-ordinated by AK, Fazila Ismail & family members in KZN

  • Meals for X500 people cooked and provided daily [Total: X15 000 meals for the month]
  • X90 Dhegs of haleem for the month
  • Fried samoosas and spring rolls provided to one masjied in KZN for musallihs at iftaar time [Total of X10 000]
  • Milkshake is prepared and provided to another masjied in KZN[Total of X1000 ltrs]
  • Naan is baked and provided daily to the needy in Ramadhaan [Total of X5000 for the month]

In addition to this:

2 and three quarter kajoor to the value of R50 000 sponsored by various members of WMO[Africa Chapter]

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