WMO visit to Malawi 25-27 Oct 2013

Assalaam u Alaikum Wa Rahmatullaahi Wa Barakaatuhu

Dear Yunus bha,

Alhamdulillah it was lovely to have the WMO team in Malawi and all of us were delighted to see the team here.Attending the function shows great commitment from the WMO towards their APEX members and we hope to work together in the projects discussed Inshaa Allah.

The following were the points endorsed and agreed to start off with:

1.       ASUM YDP (Youth Development Program) members to attend the meeting on the 10th of November in Johannesburg as a matter of encouragement and show casing what the Memon youth are doing in Malawi.

2.       Dubai meeting to be discussed and informed (dates, venue etc)

3.       ASUM College proposal of being the first project entirely to be funded by WMO Africa chapter to be emailed and considered by WMO.

  • This could be the FIRST Major project which WMO and ASUM shall work hand in hand.
  • This could allow the underprivileged to study in EXCELLENT facilities with fully subsidized fees leaving them to pay ZAR 250 a year.

4.       WMO to start promoting Sadqa & Aqeeqah (SAMPLE PAMPHLET TO BE EMAILED) in conjunction with ASUM, as a means of creating Sustainable income for BOTH, as this shall help to operate an office involving staff and other expenses.

  • A goat for Sadqa / Aqeeqah to be promoted by WMO @ ZAR 500.
  • A cow for Sadqa / Aqeeqah to be promoted by WMO @ ZAR 3500.
  • An SMS to be sent to ASUM in the following manner (REQUEST OF DUAS CAN DIFFER): “Please perform 1 goat / cow Sadqa on behalf of Brother Yunus Suleman & family. Request of special duas that May Allah fulfill his desires and save him and his family from ALL calamities”
  • An SMS will be sent out from the ASUM team once the Sadqa has been performed and distributed to the less fortunate who are waiting for this gift.
  • SMS  requesting Sadqa from WMO to be sent to the following numbers:
    • Hussein Bha: +265 999 821 140
    • Moulana Nabeel: +265 999 786 926
    • Hafiz AK: +265 999 468 486

5.       As Malawi has a problem of Hospitals and people tend to charter flights ; WMO to give a competitive rate to ASUM to market charter flights in Malawi in which the profit shall be shared between WMO and ASUM as a means to create Lillah income also. This shall NOT only create a Lillah income but ALSO HELPING brothers by allowing them to fly without looking around for a deposit in the middle of the night. Cost of flight to be emailed by Abdul Sattar bha and Yunus bha. Cost of other flights available in Malawi to be emailed by Moulana Nabeel.

6.       Medical aid provision to Malawian citizens to be studied, offered and promoted in Malawi to create a sustainable income and also assisting people with a better facility.

7.       Members please advice if anything is forgotten.


Reachout & Serve!

If you have any further enquiries please feel free to contact us,

Thank you,

Moulana Nabeel Hanif Ismail

Operations Director
Asum Headquarters
Area 4, Accord Center,
(1st floor (Cash Build))
Lilongwe, Malawi, C.Africa.
Tel: +265 212 786 92 6
Cell: +265 999 786 92 6
Cell 2: +265 888 786 92 6
E-mail: moulananabeel@asummw.com
Skype: moulananabeel
Website: www.asummw.com

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